The nose is a natural pollen filter – but it still doesn’t work nearly as well as HayMax!
The nose is a natural barrier to pollen. Reserchers have suggested that a larger nose could mean less suffering from hayfever, other allergies, colds and flu.
A US study at the University of Iowa using two artificial noses found that a large nose filters more than 6% of particles – be they pollen, dust or other airborne bacteria.
But HayMax – a natural pollen barrier balm – filters up to 98% more pollen than someone not using HayMax, according to a 2009 study at the National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit (NPARU).
HayMax acts as an added level of filtration, trapping pollen before it even gets to the nose and before it is breathed in.
Other drug-free ways of tackling the symptoms of hayfever include a nasal filter for hayfever and an air purifier.