A trial in Switzerland has shown a plant called ‘Butterbur’ to be as good as antihistamines, but without the sedating side effects. Standard antihistamine treatments for hay fever can [...]
The Express online has featured HayMax™ organic allergen barrier balms as a way to help sufferers of ‘Christmas Tree Syndrome’ (CTS), an allergy to pollen and moulds released by [...]
A survey of almost 2000 South Africans with hay fever found that symptoms of nasal allergies are often severe enough to impair overall quality of life, affecting mood, performance at work and [...]
HayMax™ features in Wedding Ideas magazine under the headline ‘Goodbye to Hay Fever’. HayMax™ is a drug free organic pollen barrier balm that is applied under and around the rim of [...]
HayMax™, the natural way to help beat hay fever features in Pharmacy Business: the magazine for community pharmacists in the UK. HayMax™ for hay fever features in an article about natural [...]
HayMax™ featured in Real People (a women’s magazine) as a good way to help with hayfever. Karen told her story of hayfever misery. She explained how she had suffered from several hayfever [...]